Anahy Cazares with her family and dogs as she talks about on Neonatal Puppy Wellbeing

Experienced family breeder shares tips on neonatal puppy wellbeing

In this blog, we speak with long-time PuppyFat customer Anahy Cazares, a small Texas-based family breeder who also builds and sells incubators, to learn more about ensuring neonatal puppy wellbeing within the first few weeks of their arrival.  Anahy is a passionate English Bulldog Breeder, who is on a never-ending mission to improve the health and appearance of the English Bulldog breed, meeting the breed standards and breeding ethically and exclusively healthy Bulldogs. “I became an English Bulldog Breeder as … Read on

Researchers at Queen’s University Belfast explore what impacts the maternal behaviour of breeding dams

Researchers at Queen’s University Belfast explore what impacts the maternal behaviour of breeding dams

Uri Baqueiro-Espinosa is a PhD student at Queen’s University Belfast, investigating the effects of intensive commercial breeding on the behaviour and welfare of breeding dogs. Uri is a member of the PuppyFat Advisory Panel, set up in early 2022 to support our growing dog breeding community. Composed of experienced advisors with a unique insight into dogs, breeding, welfare, and behaviour, our panel is there to help shape our technology and support our community with help and advice at every stage of … Read on

Unleashed Breeding Community Talk Series

PuppyFat Founder joins Nestlé Purina’s Unleased Talk series

PuppyFat founder Michael White joins breeders June Eyre and Kate Vennables to talk about the unsung heroes of pet care – breeders!  As part of the February 2022 Unleashed Talk Series by the Purina Accelerator Lab, Michael, June and Kate discuss why breeders are probably the most important stakeholders in the pet industry.   PuppyFat is an Alumni of the Unleashed Accelerator, which is the first and only pet care specific accelerator programme with a focus on Europe.  Over the last … Read on

Meet the PuppyFat dog breeders spending more time with their dogs and less time on admin

At PuppyFat, we’ve always been passionate about creating software that solves the real-life problems of dog breeders. We spoke to members of our dog breeder community to see how they’re using PuppyFat to make breeding admin easier. Speaking to breeders across the world, we’ve found that there are three uniting common problems: keeping records organised and in one place, sharing records with vets, customers and other breeders with ease and remembering what needs to be done and when (vaccines and treatments).  … Read on

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Part funded by ERDF and Northern PowerHouse