Meet the PuppyFat dog breeders spending more time with their dogs and less time on admin

At PuppyFat, we’ve always been passionate about creating software that solves the real-life problems of dog breeders. We spoke to members of our dog breeder community to see how they’re using PuppyFat to make breeding admin easier. Speaking to breeders across the world, we’ve found that there are three uniting common problems: keeping records organised and in one place, sharing records with vets, customers and other breeders with ease and remembering what needs to be done and when (vaccines and treatments).  … Read on

How dog breeders can manage their puppy waitlists more efficiently

How dog breeders can manage their puppy waitlists more efficiently

Is your inbox constantly filled with enquiries and applications? You didn’t become a breeder to be tethered to your screen. Use these time-saving, hassle-free breeder waitlist tips to free up your day and spend more moments with your dogs.  Splitting your time between looking after litters and running a business is difficult. As a breeder, you’re constantly on the go, whether it’s keeping track of treatments, scribbling down vet appointments, responding to messages or sifting through applications.  As a bonus, … Read on

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Calming the chaos of breeder life

Breedera gives you peace of mind that all your essential breeding records, health history and buyer information are in one easy-to-access place.

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Part funded by ERDF and Northern PowerHouse