Web version coming soon.

Why are we mobile-first?

So, you’ve come to this page to find out when we’ll be releasing the web-version of PuppyFat and why haven’t we done it already!?

Let me start by explaining a little bit about PuppyFat, our mission and our objectives.

PuppyFat is a ‘start-up’ company. We launched our ‘beta’ version of the app back in late 2018 and we’ve spent most of 2019 perfecting it. We’re so grateful to get wonderful feedback and ideas from some of the worlds best breeders, all contributing to our PuppyFat User Community group on Facebook.

From the ideas posted on the community page, we created our current and future features page which outlines the key features that we’ve released, along with what we’re working on right now, and what’s coming after that.

Our mission is to empower breeders to make the best decisions in the interest of their animals; to the benefit of future generations. We do this by providing a platform that maintains a complete record of every animal, its history and its lineage; instantly available, whenever it’s needed. To make our mission a reality, we’re focusing on three key objectives.

  1. Logging breeder records quickly.

  2. Storing breeder records securely.

  3. Sharing breeder records seamlessly.

We believe the best way to stay true to our mission and objectives is to start mobile-first.

Imagine a world where you could share a dog’s entire history – its weights, feeds, treatments, notes and its ancestry – as easily as sending a text-message.

So, why mobile first?

By building our iPhone App and Android App before launching the website version, we can make sure that everything we build is capable of being used on a smartphone or tablet. This ensures your data is fully portable, so your records are in your pocket, on the go.

What fits on a smartphone screen will definitely fit on a desktop screen!

Timescale for the web version

2019 is drawing to a close fast!

So we anticipate that the web version will be live in summer 2020. Keep an eye on this page and on our PuppyFat user community on Facebook for more updates.

Everyone who signs up to our three month trial will be notified automatically when the web version is live. And, if you’ve already signed up to PuppyFat at $99.99/year, you’ll get automatically upgraded to the web-version at no extra cost as soon as it’s ready!

Breeder record keeping, made easy.

  • Track weights, feeds and treatments
  • Plan heat cycles and estimate whelp dates
  • Printand share records and charts

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Stay organised, track progress, and raise the happiest, healthiest pets.

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Calming the chaos of breeder life

Breedera gives you peace of mind that all your essential breeding records, health history and buyer information are in one easy-to-access place.

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In partnership with:

Part funded by ERDF and Northern PowerHouse